Chelsea Stinnett
Training Development and Technical Assistance Coordinator
- BA, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, English Education
- MEd Wright State University,Dayton, OH, Special Education
- PhD, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Special Education
Chelsea Stinnett is the Training Development and Technical Assistance Coordinator for the Think College Inclusive Higher Education Network. She works to develop targeted trainings and technical assistance to emerging and established inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) programs for students with intellectual disability. Prior to joining the ICI, Chelsea was a faculty member and executive director of an IPSE program at the University of South Carolina. She maintains an active line of research around collaborating across systems to improve outcomes for young adults in transition, IPSE program development and refinement, and agency for college students with intellectual disability. Chelsea currently lives in Dayton, OH.
- Email: chelsea.stinnett@umb.edu