Help Us Pilot a Scale of Community Life Engagement
Does your organization provide day services and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities? We need your help testing our new Guidepost Fidelity Scale (GFS)!
Our aim with the GFS is to help service providers better understand how their day services and supports align with the Four Guideposts for Community Life Engagement (CLE).
##How can you help?
- Identify 5 or more of your staff who are familiar with your day services
- Those 5 staff will complete the online GFS, which should take about a half-hour per staff member to complete
##Why should you participate?
- Testing this scale in the real world is an essential step to making it useful for service providers
- Your staff will gain early access to ICI’s CLE Online Modules for Direct Support Professionals
If you are interested in participating, please contact Ngai Kwan: Visit for more information about Community Life Engagement.
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