New at ICI
The U.S. — Japan Business Leadership Institute on Youth Disability Employment — Webinar Series
January 13th, 2021
This year, the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston (ICI) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) will present a 5-part webinar series featuring U.S.–Japan panels with business leaders, educators…
New DataNote Examines Pre-Employment Transition Services
December 22nd, 2020
This DataNote looks at how many students with intellectual disabilities who applied for vocational rehabilitation (VR) services received pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) and their employment outcomes. Of the 45,110 people with…
Testing Promising VR Innovations: Special Journal Issue Explores the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) Project Demonstration
December 22nd, 2020
A special issue of the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation highlights the innovative work of researchers at the ICI and Mathematica Policy Institute on the Substantial Gainful Activity Project (SGA Project). The SGA Project, which is funded by the…
ICI Staffer Named October 2020 Innovation Award Winner
November 14th, 2020
Congratulations to ICI’s Allison Cohen Hall! Allison was named the October 2020 Innovation Award Winner by Charting the LifeCourse Nexus located at the University of Missouri Kansas City. Allison accepted this award on behalf of the research team…
Dr. Amy Szarkowski (MA LEND/UMass Boston UCEDD) leads publication in Pediatrics on Pragmatics in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
November 13th, 2020
Much attention is given to language development in children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH). Yet the social use of language can remain challenging, even amongst DHH children who are developing solid language skills (whether through sign…
New Resources Promoting College-Based Transition Services
November 13th, 2020
In collaboration with MAICEI partners, as well as some out-of-state special education administrators doing similar work, Maria Paiewonsky and Ty Hanson have worked to create three new briefs, three new student snapshots, and a new student profile…
Think College Receives $10M Grant on Inclusive Higher Education
November 13th, 2020
The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education has awarded ICI’s Think College a five-year, $10 million cooperative agreement through the Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities to serve…
New Grant about Guardianship Alternatives
November 12th, 2020
The Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston has been awarded a 5-year $1.49 million-dollar grant from the Administration for Community Living. The Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice (CYVYC) will work to increase…
ICI Staffers Publish Two Articles in IDD
October 21st, 2020
ICI staffers had two articles published in a recent edition of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This volume focused on employment for transition-age youth with IDD. “It’s Not Just About a Paycheck”: Perspectives on Employment Preparation…
ICI Data Drives Recent Civil Rights Commission Report on Subminimum Wage
October 14th, 2020
On Sep. 17, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights issued a report on subminimum wage for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). While reliance on subminimum wage has decreased in recent years, over 1,500 disability services…
The State Employment Leadership Network Turns 15!
August 6th, 2020
Over the past 14 years, the State Employment Leadership Network (SELN) has consistently reinforced the core message that employment efforts are about creating opportunity for every individual in relationship to their family life and in balance with a…
Welcome to New Gopen & Crocker Fellows
July 16th, 2020
We would like to introduce you to the new Barbara Wilenski Gopen and Allen C. Crocker Family Fellows! Adriana Mallozzi, the Gopen Fellow, born with cerebral palsy (CP) has always been an innovator, finding ways to engage in activities creatively…
New Brief Summarizes Assistive Technology Programs Across the U.S.
June 30th, 2020
A new AT Data Brief examines the usage and impact of assistive technology programs in the U.S. and its territories. Written by ICI staffers John Shepard and Daria Domin, the brief highlights data from FY 2019 about device demonstration, loans…
June 5th, 2020
The disability community is multi-dimensional and complex. People with disabilities and their experiences are diverse, therefore numerous approaches are necessary to address the multiple forms of oppression being experienced both individually and…
ICI Awarded Innovative Rehabilitation Training Grant on Employer Engagement
May 20th, 2020
The Institute for Community Inclusion was recently awarded the Program on Innovative Rehabilitation Training on Employer Engagement Innovative Rehabilitation Training Program (PIRTEE), a Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) grant. The…
ICI Researcher Co-Authors Journal Article
May 20th, 2020
Ngai Kwan has recently co-authored a journal article with Glacia Ethridge, Angel Dowden and Michael Brooks from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (a HBCU), and Debra Harley from University of Kentucky. The article is…
New College of Employment Services Course Focuses on Path from School to Adulthood
May 20th, 2020
The ICI partners with the University of Minnesota and Elsevier Publishing to produce the DirectCourse College of Employment Services, or CES. This suite of online courses allows disability support professionals to build their skills in supporting…
ICI Awarded Innovative Rehabilitation Training Grant on Employer Engagement Part 2
May 20th, 2020
ICI’s Center for Assistive Technology Act Data Assistance (CATADA) launched a new series of briefs highlighting innovative or high impact activities conducted by state AT programs. Second in a series of Innovative AT Practices briefs, From Active…
New Website Highlights COVID-19 Resources
May 20th, 2020
The ICI has released a series of publications on providing day and employment services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics include offering services remotely, effective use of technology, dealing with the economic impact of COVID-19, and much more…
Supports Planning Bringing Employment First to Scale Brief
May 20th, 2020
Check out this ThinkWork brief to learn about addressing a job seeker’s support needs to increase job retention and career advancement.