Institute for Community Inclusion

New at ICI

Two Briefs Examine Community Life Engagement

Two Briefs Examine Community Life Engagement

February 19th, 2020

What can state developmental disabilities  agencies do to increase community life engagement of the people they  serve? This was the topic of discussion for the Community Life  Engagement Working Group of the State Employment Leadership  Network…

New Article about Students with Intellectual Disability

New Article about Students with Intellectual Disability

February 19th, 2020

Debra Hart, principal investigator for the Institute for Community Inclusion’s Think College project, co-wrote an article for Diverse Issues in Higher Education titled “Left Out? Can the Completion Movement Reach Students with Intellectual…

Papers by Researchers and Self-Advocates Examine Informed Choice

Papers by Researchers and Self-Advocates Examine Informed Choice

February 19th, 2020

The National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS),in collaboration with ICI, published a fourth in a series of five white papers highlighting topics influencing employment outcomes and services for…

Transition Leadership Program Accepting New Students

Transition Leadership Program Accepting New Students

February 4th, 2020

National Transition Leadership Program Accepting New Students SGISD’s transition leadership program bridges the gap between special education and adult disability services. It trains educators and other professionals to support young adults with…

New Data Note Examines Gap Between Desire for Work and Community Jobs

New Data Note Examines Gap Between Desire for Work and Community Jobs

January 28th, 2020

A new Data Note looks at the discrepancy between how many people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) want jobs, versus how many are working in their communities. The Data Note was written by the ICI’s Dr. John Butterworth and…

ICI Learning Game Featured at National ED Games Expo

ICI Learning Game Featured at National ED Games Expo

January 24th, 2020

ICI Learning Game Featured at National ED Games Expo The 7th annual ED Games Expo, held in Washington, D.C. on January 9, featured a range of educational games and learning technologies for children with and without disabilities. One featured…

ICI Staffer Joins MassCUE Champions

ICI Staffer Joins MassCUE Champions

January 23rd, 2020

Lori Cooney, program coordinator and universal instructional design specialist at ICI and 2012 MassCUE Pathfinder recipient, has been invited to join the inaugural cohort of MassCUE Champions. MassCUE is the largest education-focused technology group…

ICI Staffer Presents on Progressive Employment and Career Pathways

ICI Staffer Presents on Progressive Employment and Career Pathways

January 23rd, 2020

ICI staff member Kelly Haines and Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation’s Janet Drudik presented at the Vocational Evaluation and Career Assessment Professionals Association 2019 National Issues Forum, held in Richmond, VA. Kelly and Janet’s session…

CES ACRE Supplement Now Available

CES ACRE Supplement Now Available

January 1st, 2020

Offered through Direct Course, the College of Employment Services (CES) curriculum can help your staff advance their careers as employment professionals. Now they can access even more intensive career development, through the CES ACRE Supplement…

ICI Announces New Director

ICI Announces New Director

December 10th, 2019

Cindy Thomas (MS, CRC) has been selected to serve as the director of the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI). Ms. Thomas has been an integral part of the ICI for over 30 years, significantly contributing to its growth during that time. Prior…

ICI Staffers Present at Conference

ICI Staffers Present at Conference

November 19th, 2019

Maria Paiewonsky, Clare Papay, Rebecca Lazo, Meg Grigal, and Debra Hart from the Think College National Coordinating Center and Transition Leadership Program presented six sessions last month in Seattle, WA at the Division on Career Development and…

ICI Researcher Testified about Subminimum Wage

ICI Researcher Testified about Subminimum Wage

November 18th, 2019

On November 15th, ICI senior researcher John Butterworth provided testimony on data regarding subminimum wages at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights public briefing on the civil rights impact of subminimum wage on people with disabilities. You can…

LEND Fellowship Opportunity Available for Self-Advocates

LEND Fellowship Opportunity Available for Self-Advocates

October 29th, 2019

Are you a person with an intellectual and/or developmental disability who would like to learn about how services and supports are provided, research cultural issues, policy and more? The LEND Program at the Institute for Community Inclusion and…

Thanks Bill

Thanks Bill

April 5th, 2019

Farewell to Outgoing Dean Bill Kiernan! Dr. William E. Kiernan recently celebrated his retirement from his role as dean of the School for Global Inclusion and Social Development, the UMass Boston graduate school where the ICI is housed. Since he…